Acquiring Russian: January Report
January has been a good start to the year for my Russian acquisition journey. I started 1-on-1 Comprehensible Input lessons, did a little bit of grammar study and increased my active and passive listening. I spent more time listening to D&D streams again because I was getting bored of listening to the Speakly. However with some of the stories I have gotten the number of unknown words down to less than 50 (using LingQ) so it might soon be time to work with the Speakly app again in order to unlock some new monologues. January '21 Statistics Passive watching and listening: 36:14 hours Active watching or Listening: 4:09 hours Vocabulary and Sentences: 0 hours Reading with Audio: 2:28 hours Reading with no Audio: 0 hours Active Study: 2:19 hours Personal Lessons: 2:45 hours Total: 47:56 hours Daily Average: 1:33 hours Totals Since August 2020 Passive watching and listening: 401:28 hours Active watching or Listening: 40:09 hours Vocabulary and Sentences: 63:60 hours Reading with Aud...