
Showing posts from May, 2021

Comprehensible Russian: The Great Unlocking

  Comprehensible Russian will be releasing many of the longer videos that were previously only available to Patreon subscribers. Make sure to subscribe.

Acquiring Russian: April Report

April Statistics Passive watching and listening: 4:49 hours (Mostly listening) Active watching or Listening: 3:27 hours (Comprehensible Input, YouTube but mostly Speakly) Vocabulary and Sentences: 1:03 hours (Anki) Reading with Audio: 10:48 hours (Speakly and Glossika, 9943 reps, 604 sentences) Active Study: 12:40 hours (Mostly the app Speakly, 757 words) Music: 4:08 (Singing and listening) Total: 36:55 hours I don't have much to say about the past month. I've settled into a good routing mostly focused around Speakly, Glossika and watching YouTube videos (Comprehensible Russian, Easy Russian).  While I've been diligent with listening to the Speakly stories often I haven't been consistent with the intense / active study of them. That would entail really breaking down the stories sentence by sentence and word by word until I understand the whole thing. This means that with some of the later stories I only have a vague sense of what is being talked about. That's someth...