Learning Correct Pronunciation
I recently discovered that included with the 625 words pdf are audio recordings of each word. After listening to them I realised that I was pronouncing a couple of words in the wrong way. And it's noticeable how difficult it is to override a wrongly remembered pronunciation.
This shows to me the importance of learning it correctly the first time. While someone like Steve Kaufmann has learned multiple languages through a lot of reading, from what I can tell he has a strong accent and that's something I want to avoid as much as possible.
An interview he does with Matt vs Japan shows that while he can speak it well he has a poor accent compared to Matt, who has only focused on Japanese with a Mass Immersion / All Japanese All The Time approach. 26:46 / 30:21 Steve Kaufmann & Matt vs. Japan Discuss Hardcore Language Learning (I've linked to the part of the video where they speak Japanese with each other).
From now on I'm going to review the included recordings every time I use Anki to revise the words and if I'm learning new words outside of this routine I will make sure to use forvo.com
For some reason the MP3s are provided in alphabetical order (written with the latin alphabet) and not grouped or numbered according to how they appear in the book. This means that I have to move them over to separate folders myself. It's a slight inconvenience but I'm glad these recordings were included.
BTW, my latest stats (which I also keep updated on the About page) are:
Starting from 02/08/2020 until 21/09/2020 - 51 Days
Passive Listening and Watching: 39:44
Active Listening an Watching: 02:40
Vocabulary: 02:49
Total hours: 45:14
Average Per Day: 0:54*
*This is an average per day. In reality I spend a lot less learning and listening on the weekend because I'm away from my computer doing other things.
You can see what I'm tracking here: Google Doc: Russian Study Log
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