Xefjord's Complete Language Series

I found a great set of Anki decks posted on Reddit aimed at getting people to 'survival level' in 50 different languages. Here's a direct link to the Russian deck: Xefjord's Complete Russian Anki Deck

I'll experiment with spending a couple of minutes a day on this deck. I haven't had good experiences with previous attempts at rote memorisation of stock phrases. But perhaps it will be easier now that I'm spending time on immersion and comprehensible input. I'm not looking to speak (force output) for a number of months so this will be a very low priority for me. But if I bump into any Russian speakers over the next few months (I live in London so it does happen) it would be nice to be able to say something.

From the reddit post:

"Xefjord's Complete Language Series is a project I started a little over a year ago to teach every known living language to a "survival" level. Survival level being a term I created to refer to the ability to get by and begin learning the rest of the language using only your target language. My decks teach 200 basic words and phrases handpicked to reach this goal and most of them have audio as well as the template for advanced cards that you can expand upon to further progress your study (The Asian language decks also borrow Chinese Character learning decks and put them in my format).

My courses are nothing amazing in terms of the depth of content, you won't be able to watch movies in the language or understand 90% of what is said at you after finishing them. But it does get you to a level where if you know speakers of your target language or are starting a course with a tutor, you have little reason to need to fall back on your native language. As I said the advanced card template is provided (with one to fifty cards of examples depending on the language) for those that want to expand the decks on their own so you can continue to utilize this resource after the beginner level.

What I am most proud of is the wonderful support by volunteers to help me provide courses in English for a wide variety of languages that have little support on the internet. Some languages such as Hmong, Zhuang, Maltese, etc all have little to no resources for learning the basics of the language online, and what resources exist are either not in english, steeply paywalled, or barely teach beyond hello. Other languages such as Okinawan were covered by experts that could provide the language in its natural writing of Hiragana and Kanji (Which is something most Okinawan courses don't do unfortunately). I put a lot of effort and care in working with volunteers to make easy to understand courses and make sure all the important grammatical subjects (Gender or formality) are being taught, but this project really wouldn't be possible without the wonderful help of everyone who provided translations. I am always accepting more translations for languages not yet covered as well!

So without further adieu, here is the total list of all languages available. Some languages have multiple courses offered (Like Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese, Nahuatl, etc), I hope everyone can enjoy them and if anyone notices any mistakes or has any questions you are free to PM me anytime."

Here's the reddit post with direct links to all the language: 51 Free Anki Decks Across 40 Languages (Xefjord's Complete Languages)

And here's the official website: Xefjord's Complete Languages


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