I'm not feeling very motivated to immerse myself in Russian right now
I haven't felt very motivated with my Russian studies this past two weeks. I wanted to increase the amount of time spent on passive and active immersion but it hasn't been happening. The last time I watched an episode of кухня was on the 9th of January and I haven't done any passive immersion since the 8th.
I'm not working at the moment which explains why I haven't been passively immersing. So that's not really concerning to me.
As I've mentioned before I rarely watch shows or films in my free time so it's not necessarily enjoyable to me even if it's contributing to my Russian. I also haven't been doing so called 'intensive active immersion' either (reading along with a TV show and trying to understand every single sentence). I've been watching Comprehensible Russian videos but only in short bursts.
I have been keeping up with my Anki deck and Glossika so that's a positive. However I'm aware that learning to recognise words won't give me long term results without more immersion.
Maybe I'm just slightly burned out or perhaps I need to find a different kind of immersion material.
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