Acquiring Russian: January Report

Because I wasn't not working much in January (I'm a freelancer) my passive listening hours declined a lot. My other hobbies and interests require my full attention so when I'm not working I can't listen to Russian. I was also struggling to watch Russian content. Because I normally I don't spend much time watching shows. If I do watch something it's YouTube about very specific topics. I'm not yet at the point where I can watch that kind of content in Russian so I have to make do with what is within my grasp. The challenge however is that I feel restless when watching sitcoms and such things. In the background I also had a lot of other stuff on my mind and I was really focused on trying to get my general wellbeing back to where it was. Simple things like making sure I was sleeping enough, eating right and exercising. But I did continue with studying my Anki deck and Glossika reps every single day. It would have been great if I could have consolidated that eff...