Acquiring Russian: May Report

May Statistics Passive watching and listening: 22:54 hours (Mostly listening to Speakly stories) Active watching or Listening: 0:6 hours Vocabulary and Sentences: 0:37 hours (Anki) Reading with Audio: 1:42 hours Active Study: 1:20 hours Music: Stopped counting, have been listening to Russian music when I can. Total: 26:40 hours Daily Average: 0:51 hours Well that was a bad month. In May I really struggled to put in as much time as I wanted to. I've been working a new contract which takes a lot of concentration and has left me quite tired when I finish. I haven't been able to listen passively as much during working hours, because it's been too distracting. The only thing I've been able to do (occasionally) is listen to the Speakly stories. Usually in two or three hour binges when I go for a walk in the park on weekends. My daily average was not as uniformly spread across the days as in previous months. The problem is that I haven't had time to actively study some of ...