Acquiring Russian: May Report

May Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 22:54 hours (Mostly listening to Speakly stories)
Active watching or Listening: 0:6 hours
Vocabulary and Sentences: 0:37 hours (Anki)
Reading with Audio: 1:42 hours
Active Study: 1:20 hours
Music: Stopped counting, have been listening to Russian music when I can.
Total: 26:40 hours
Daily Average: 0:51 hours

Well that was a bad month. In May I really struggled to put in as much time as I wanted to. I've been working a new contract which takes a lot of concentration and has left me quite tired when I finish. I haven't been able to listen passively as much during working hours, because it's been too distracting. The only thing I've been able to do (occasionally) is listen to the Speakly stories. Usually in two or three hour binges when I go for a walk in the park on weekends. My daily average was not as uniformly spread across the days as in previous months.

The problem is that I haven't had time to actively study some of the later stories to learn the vocabulary and get a better understanding of what they're about. Without inputting new vocabulary my understanding of those stories reaches a plateau.

I didn't do any Glossika, or use the Speakly app other than for listening to stories. The only 'active' thing I did was spending two minutes a day on the 1000 word Anki deck, just maintaining and occasionally reviving buried cards.

On the positive side I can say that my passion for Russian hasn't diminished. I've been listening to more Russian music which I've stopped tracking, but I think it might be an hour or two per day on average. Also I recently had a short text and voice memo chat with a Russian person and I noticed that I was able to understand here simple sentences. Also she complimented me on my accent. 

This contract will last another 3 weeks and I don't foresee much changing so I think I'll just keep the pressure off and enjoy listening to music and doing a couple of minutes of Anki every day. I'll be taking two weeks off before looking for my next job and I'm considering fully immersing in Russian the whole time. I have to be in quarantine for the whole period and won't be able to leave the house (for future readers, I'm writing this during the pandemic of 2020/21). 

April Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 4:49 hours (Mostly listening)
Active watching or Listening: 3:27 hours (Comprehensible Input, YouTube but mostly Speakly)
Vocabulary and Sentences: 1:03 hours (Anki)
Reading with Audio: 10:48 hours (Speakly and Glossika, 9943 reps, 604 sentences)
Active Study: 12:40 hours (Mostly the app Speakly, 757 words)
Music: 4:08 (Singing and listening)
Total: 36:55 hours
Daily Average: 1:05 hours

March Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 6:22 hours (Mostly listening)
Active watching or Listening: 5:59 hours (Comprehensible Input, YouTube but mostly Speakly)
Vocabulary and Sentences: 7:05 hours (Anki)
Reading with Audio: 12:27 hours (Speakly and Glossika, 7748 reps, 464 sentences)
Active Study: 15:23 hours (Mostly the app Speakly, 206 words)
Music: 2:47 (Singing and listening)
Total: 50:03 hours
Daily Average: 1:31 hours

February Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 4:29 hours (Mostly listening)
Active watching: 3:15 hours (Comprehensible input and shows)
Vocabulary and Sentences: 9:02 hours (Anki)
Reading with Audio: 10:36 hours (Glossika, 5522 reps, 314 sentences)
Active Study: 6:52 hours (Mostly the app Speakly, 206 words)
Total: 34:15 hours
Daily Average: 1:22 hours

January Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 8:56 hours (Mostly listening)
Active watching: 3:24 hours (Comprehensible input and shows)
Pronunciation, Vocabulary and Sentences: 10:44 hours (Anki)
Reading with Audio: 12:52 hours (Glossika, 2958 reps, 164 sentences)
Active Study: 15 minutes (Grammar)
Total: 36:12 hours
Daily Average: 1:13 hours

December Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 37:25 hours (Mostly listening)
Active watching: 3:46 hours (Mostly comprehensible input)
Pronunciation, Vocabulary and Sentences: 13:42 hours (Anki)
Active Study: 1:14 minutes (Grammar)
Total: 56:09 hours
Daily Average: 1:48 hours

Anki 1000 Words
New: 575, 57.5%
Young: 185, 18.5%
Mature: 81, 8.1%
Suspended: 159, 15.9% (I deliberately suspend words that are too easy, my guess a third to half of these)

November Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 58:58 hours (Mostly listening)
Active watching: 3:07 hours (Mostly comprehensible input)
Pronunciation, Vocabulary and Sentences: 8:01 hours (Anki)
Reading with audio: 0:30 minutes (Dialogue)
Total: 70:36 hours
Daily Average: 2:21 hours


Passive watching and listening: 35:53 hours
Active watching: 1:47  hours
Pronunciation, Vocabulary and Sentences: 8:03 hours
Reading with audio: 7:29 minutes
Total: 42:51 hours
Daily Average: 1:23 hours


Passive watching and listening: 11:27 hours
Active watching: 1:14 hours
Vocabulary: 3:56 hours
Total: 16:37 hours
Daily Average: 0:33 hours


Passive watching and listening: 31:28 hours
Active watching: 2:32 hours
Vocabulary: 1:38 hours
Total: 35:38 hours
Daily Average: 1:09 hours


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