Report: 'Acquiring' Russian for 1 year

Exactly one year ago I decided to 'Acquire' Russian! I had several aborted attempts over the years with apps like Duolingo and courses like Michel Thomas. When the world plunged into COVID related lockdowns I decided I was going to make the most of the extra time I had and finally get to grips with this language. You can read my plan in my first post here: An experiment in acquiring Russian the natural way . In short: I discovered various methods that emphasised Input first and set up this blog to track my plan to acquire Russian. The first thing I'd like to say is that I feel happy about the time I spent with Russian over the past year. Overall I've enjoyed myself and I feel motivated to continue exposing myself to the language. I think this is really important because whatever you do in life, you have to be motivated! While I thought I'd be further along and would have achieved more by now I have to remember that spent time trying different approaches before I f...