Acquiring Russian: August Report

No time for an in depth report this month. Passive listening was mostly of Speakly stories, Reading with Audio was Glossika and Active Study with LingQ, mostly the beginner stories and dialogues.

August '21 Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 19:01 hours
Active watching or Listening: 0 hours
Vocabulary and Sentences: 0 hours
Reading with Audio: 4:57 hours
Active Study: 4:40 hours
Total: 28:39 hours
Daily Average: 0:55 hours

July '21 Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 10:49 hours
Active watching or Listening: 0 hours
Vocabulary and Sentences: 0 hours
Reading with Audio: 0 hours
Active Study: 3:20 hours
Total: 14:09 hours
Daily Average: 0:27 hours

June '21 Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 11:23 hours
Active watching or Listening: 0 hours
Vocabulary and Sentences: 6:44 hours
Reading with Audio: 0 hours
Active Study: 2:20 hours
Total: 13:50 hours
Daily Average: 0:27 hours

May '21 Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 22:54 hours (Mostly listening to Speakly stories)
Active watching or Listening: 0:6 hours
Vocabulary and Sentences: 0:37 hours (Anki)
Reading with Audio: 1:42 hours
Active Study: 1:20 hours
Music: Stopped counting, have been listening to Russian music when I can.
Total: 26:40 hours
Daily Average: 0:51 hours

April '21 Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 4:49 hours (Mostly listening)
Active watching or Listening: 3:27 hours (Comprehensible Input, YouTube but mostly Speakly)
Vocabulary and Sentences: 1:03 hours (Anki)
Reading with Audio: 10:48 hours (Speakly and Glossika, 9943 reps, 604 sentences)
Active Study: 12:40 hours (Mostly the app Speakly, 757 words)
Music: 4:08 (Singing and listening)
Total: 36:55 hours
Daily Average: 1:05 hours

March '21 Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 6:22 hours (Mostly listening)
Active watching or Listening: 5:59 hours (Comprehensible Input, YouTube but mostly Speakly)
Vocabulary and Sentences: 7:05 hours (Anki)
Reading with Audio: 12:27 hours (Speakly and Glossika, 7748 reps, 464 sentences)
Active Study: 15:23 hours (Mostly the app Speakly, 206 words)
Music: 2:47 (Singing and listening)
Total: 50:03 hours
Daily Average: 1:31 hours

February '21 Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 4:29 hours (Mostly listening)
Active watching: 3:15 hours (Comprehensible input and shows)
Vocabulary and Sentences: 9:02 hours (Anki)
Reading with Audio: 10:36 hours (Glossika, 5522 reps, 314 sentences)
Active Study: 6:52 hours (Mostly the app Speakly, 206 words)
Total: 34:15 hours
Daily Average: 1:22 hours

January '21 Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 8:56 hours (Mostly listening)
Active watching: 3:24 hours (Comprehensible input and shows)
Pronunciation, Vocabulary and Sentences: 10:44 hours (Anki)
Reading with Audio: 12:52 hours (Glossika, 2958 reps, 164 sentences)
Active Study: 15 minutes (Grammar)
Total: 36:12 hours
Daily Average: 1:13 hours

December '20 Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 37:25 hours (Mostly listening)
Active watching: 3:46 hours (Mostly comprehensible input)
Pronunciation, Vocabulary and Sentences: 13:42 hours (Anki)
Active Study: 1:14 minutes (Grammar)
Total: 56:09 hours
Daily Average: 1:48 hours

Anki 1000 Words
New: 575, 57.5%
Young: 185, 18.5%
Mature: 81, 8.1%
Suspended: 159, 15.9% (I deliberately suspend words that are too easy, my guess a third to half of these)

November '20 Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 58:58 hours (Mostly listening)
Active watching: 3:07 hours (Mostly comprehensible input)
Pronunciation, Vocabulary and Sentences: 8:01 hours (Anki)
Reading with audio: 0:30 minutes (Dialogue)
Total: 70:36 hours
Daily Average: 2:21 hours

October '20 Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 35:53 hours
Active watching: 1:47  hours
Pronunciation, Vocabulary and Sentences: 8:03 hours
Reading with audio: 7:29 minutes
Total: 42:51 hours
Daily Average: 1:23 hours

September '20 Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 11:27 hours
Active watching: 1:14 hours
Vocabulary: 3:56 hours
Total: 16:37 hours
Daily Average: 0:33 hours

August '20 Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 31:28 hours
Active watching: 2:32 hours
Vocabulary: 1:38 hours
Total: 35:38 hours
Daily Average: 1:09 hours


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