Acquiring Russian: March, April, May Report

I've been lacking in the motivation to keep learning Russian over the past couple of months due to the invasion of Ukraine. When I started I was excited at the prospect of one day visiting Russia and Ukraine. In fact I would have liked to have gone this summer. It makes me question whether to even continue. What is my relation going to be with the language going forward? At the moment I feel I've come so far that I might as well keep going. I'm not sure if that's a sunk cost fallacy or not. I do want to learn to speak another language and I don't have any particular interest in any other language so right now it's mostly an intellectual challenge. Perhaps that will be enough for now.

As you can see the time spent on activities (and the variety) has dipped considerably. My aim is to at least increase the variety if not the absolute times.

BTW here are some links in case you want to donate towards charities that help Ukraine:

May '22 Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 19:26 hours
Active watching or Listening: 5:03 hours
Vocabulary and Sentences: 0:10 hours
Reading with Audio: 0:30 hours
Reading with no Audio: 0 hours
Active Study: 0:33 hours
Personal Lessons: 2:30 hours
Total: 28:12 hours
Daily Average: 0:24 hours

April '22 Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 19:26 hours
Active watching or Listening: 5:03 hours
Vocabulary and Sentences: 0:10 hours
Reading with Audio: 0:30 hours
Reading with no Audio: 0 hours
Active Study: 0:33 hours
Personal Lessons: 2:30 hours
Total: 28:12 hours
Daily Average: 0:46 hours

March '22 Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 19:26 hours
Active watching or Listening: 5:03 hours
Vocabulary and Sentences: 0:10 hours
Reading with Audio: 0:30 hours
Reading with no Audio: 0 hours
Active Study: 0:33 hours
Personal Lessons: 2:30 hours
Total: 28:12 hours
Daily Average: 0:59 hours

February '22 Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 19:26 hours
Active watching or Listening: 5:03 hours
Vocabulary and Sentences: 0:10 hours
Reading with Audio: 0:30 hours
Reading with no Audio: 0 hours
Active Study: 0:33 hours
Personal Lessons: 2:30 hours
Total: 28:12 hours
Daily Average: 0:54 hours

January '22 Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 36:14 hours
Active watching or Listening: 4:09 hours
Vocabulary and Sentences: 0 hours
Reading with Audio: 2:28 hours
Reading with no Audio: 0 hours
Active Study: 2:19 hours
Personal Lessons: 2:45 hours
Total: 47:56 hours
Daily Average: 1:33 hours


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