Acquiring Russian: January 2025 Report

I'm very motivated at the moment, while my average time is not very high a good proportion of my activity was dedicated to impactful activities. As I mentioned in previous posts I'm dedicating more time to memorising useful phrases for everyday conversations (which is my primary goal at the moment). I'm also experimenting with a new AI tool: LanguaTalk which I'm very impressed with so far. I will do a review of it soon. January 2025 Statistics Passive watching and listening: 8:04 hours Active watching or listening: 0:09 minutes Vocabulary and Sentences: 1:42 minutes Reading with Audio: 05:42 hours Reading with no Audio: 0:27 hours Active Study: 6:22 hours Tutor Lessons (Conversation Practice): 0:00 hours Free Conversation Practice (LinguaTalk): 0:15 minutes Games: 0:00 Total: 22:40 hours Daily Average: 0:44 hours