Acquiring Russian: October Report


October '22 Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 20:35 hours
Active watching or listening: 0:53 hours
Vocabulary and Sentences: 2:36 hours
Reading with Audio: 2:01 hours
Reading with no Audio: 1:55 hours
Active Study: 3:01 hours
Personal Lessons: 0 hours
Conversation: 0 hours
Total: 29:00 hours
Daily Average: 0:58 hours

Activities breakdown:

Passive watching and listening: Speakly stories.

Active watching or listening: I've been watching a Russian film called the Stroll which is a slice of life film with a lot of naturalistic dialogue. I'm watching with subtitles but I can follow quite a bit of the dialogue. It's not the most interesting story but I might be able to bring myself to watch it again without subtitles.

Vocabulary and Sentences: The Roots of the Russian Language. I'm using Anki for the roots and I'm currently at 150 out of 333 roots. I add 3 new roots per day.

Active Study: Speakly and LingQ

September '22 Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 30:28 hours
Active watching or listening: 1:24 hours
Vocabulary and Sentences: 2:18 hours
Reading with Audio: 2:01 hours
Reading with no Audio: 1:37 hours
Active Study: 5:22 hours
Personal Lessons: 0 hours
Conversation: 0 hours
Total: 43:10 hours
Daily Average: 1:26 hours

August '22 Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 13:53 hours
Active watching or Listening: 0 hours
Vocabulary and Sentences: 0:13 hours
Reading with Audio: 0 hours
Reading with no Audio: 0 hours
Active Study: 0 hours
Personal Lessons: 0 hours
Conversation: 0:30 hours
Total: 14:06 hours
Daily Average: 00:27 hours

July '22 Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 12:24 hours
Active watching or Listening: 1:12 hours
Vocabulary and Sentences: 0 hours
Reading with Audio: 0:11 hours
Reading with no Audio: 0 hours
Active Study: 2:42 hours
Personal Lessons: 0 hours
Total: 16:29 hours
Daily Average: 0:31:55 hours

June '22 Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 22:07 hours
Active watching or Listening: 0:20 hours
Vocabulary and Sentences: 0 hours
Reading with Audio: 1:24 hours
Reading with no Audio: 0 hours
Active Study: 3:00 hours
Personal Lessons: 0 hours
Total: 26:51 hours
Daily Average: 0:52 hours

May '22 Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 19:26 hours
Active watching or Listening: 5:03 hours
Vocabulary and Sentences: 0:10 hours
Reading with Audio: 0:30 hours
Reading with no Audio: 0 hours
Active Study: 0:33 hours
Personal Lessons: 2:30 hours
Total: 28:12 hours
Daily Average: 0:24 hours

April '22 Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 19:26 hours
Active watching or Listening: 5:03 hours
Vocabulary and Sentences: 0:10 hours
Reading with Audio: 0:30 hours
Reading with no Audio: 0 hours
Active Study: 0:33 hours
Personal Lessons: 2:30 hours
Total: 28:12 hours
Daily Average: 0:46 hours

March '22 Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 19:26 hours
Active watching or Listening: 5:03 hours
Vocabulary and Sentences: 0:10 hours
Reading with Audio: 0:30 hours
Reading with no Audio: 0 hours
Active Study: 0:33 hours
Personal Lessons: 2:30 hours
Total: 28:12 hours
Daily Average: 0:59 hours

February '22 Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 19:26 hours
Active watching or Listening: 5:03 hours
Vocabulary and Sentences: 0:10 hours
Reading with Audio: 0:30 hours
Reading with no Audio: 0 hours
Active Study: 0:33 hours
Personal Lessons: 2:30 hours
Total: 28:12 hours
Daily Average: 0:54 hours

January '22 Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 36:14 hours
Active watching or Listening: 4:09 hours
Vocabulary and Sentences: 0 hours
Reading with Audio: 2:28 hours
Reading with no Audio: 0 hours
Active Study: 2:19 hours
Personal Lessons: 2:45 hours
Total: 47:56 hours
Daily Average: 1:33 hours

Totals Since August 2020 (761 days)

Passive watching and listening: 527:25 hours
Active watching or Listening: 49:49 hours
Vocabulary and Sentences: 64:10 hours
Reading with Audio: 68:21 hours
Reading with no Audio: 0 hours
Active Study: 68:06 hours
Personal Lessons: 5:15 hours
Total: 783:05 hours
Daily Average: 1:02 hours


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