101 Conversations in Simple Russian

I've started reading one of Olly Richard's books: 101 Conversations in Simple Russian. Supposedly this book is aimed at A2 level learners / speakers so that might indicate my current level. 

For context I have 'learned' 947 words in the Speakly app (at 1000 I will have finished section Intermediate I after completing  Beginner I - III) and I have 2372 words marked as know in LingQ (which includes all kinds of declensions and conjugations).

I'm only at conversation number 6 but so far I feel comfortable in reading and understanding each conversation. I'm finding that there are sometimes 1 to 5 words in each that are new to me, and usually those are the words that are provided with a translation. (This book only provides translations for a couple of key words or phrases, everything else is in Russian).

I'm reading it before going to sleep so that I'm not looking at a screen late at night. I have to be disciplined and not look up the couple of words I don't understand, trusting that I'm understanding the overall story and that is enough.

The advice at the start of the book states that you shouldn't worry about the occasional word that you don't understand, just keep reading. I imagine it's a book I could read a couple of times, learning more words each time and getting better at noticing the grammar.

For now it's a low stress way to end the day with some Russian reading.


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