Acquiring Russian: June 2023 Report
I've been behind on these updates, I'll keep this one short. As was the case in May I've been busy with a lot of things and have not been able to dedicate as much time to Russian as I wanted. But I did start practicing speaking in Russian with my tutor and I once again visited a country that has Russian speakers and had a few short interactions with native speakers.
I've also been more conscious of using certain grammar concepts while speaking.
In July I should have a more regular schedule and I aim to get back to regular studying.
June 2023 Statistics
Passive watching and listening: 11:00 hours
Active watching or listening: 0:00 hours
Vocabulary and Sentences: 2:38 hours
Reading with Audio: 1:18 hours
Reading with no Audio: 0:00 hours
Active Study: 1:20 hours
Personal Lessons: 0:45 minutes
Conversation Practice: 2:15 hours
Total: 17:41 hours
Daily Average: 0:13 minutes
May 2023 Statistics
Passive watching and listening: 11:00 hours
Active watching or listening: 0:00 hours
Vocabulary and Sentences: 2:38 hours
Reading with Audio: 1:18 hours
Reading with no Audio: 0:00 hours
Active Study: 1:20 hours
Personal Lessons: 0:45 minutes
Conversation Practice: 2:15 hours
Total: 17:41 hours
Daily Average: 0:34 minutes
April 2023 Statistics
Passive watching and listening: 14:22 hours
Active watching or listening: 0:00 hours
Vocabulary and Sentences: 0:08 minutes
Reading with Audio: 1:18 hours
Reading with no Audio: 0:00 hours
Active Study: 4:38 hours
Personal Lessons: 0:45 minutes
Conversation Practice: 0:45 minutes
Total: 21:11 hours
Daily Average: 0:41 minutes
March 2023 Statistics
Passive watching and listening: 24:59 hours
Active watching or listening: 0:00 hours
Vocabulary and Sentences: 1:04 hours
Reading with Audio: 2:10 hours
Reading with no Audio: 0:15 hours
Active Study: 0:47 minutes
Personal Lessons: 4:30 hours
Conversation Practice: 0:45 minutes
Total: 34:30 hours
Daily Average: 1:06 hours
February 2023 Statistics
Passive watching and listening: 25:53 hours
Active watching or listening: 0:29 hours
Vocabulary and Sentences: 2:33 hours
Reading with Audio: 2:14 hours
Reading with no Audio: 0:44 minutes
Active Study: 2:52 hours
Personal Lessons: 2:15 hours
Total: 37:02 hours
Daily Average: 1:19 hours
January 2023 Statistics
Passive watching and listening: 19:35 hours
Active watching or listening: 0:16 hours
Vocabulary and Sentences: 6:33 hours
Reading with Audio: 1:00 hours
Reading with no Audio: 1:57 hours
Active Study: 1:53 hours
Personal Lessons: 3:15 hours
Total: 35:34 hours
Daily Average: 1:09 hours
December 2022 Statistics
Passive watching and listening: 10:15 hours
Active watching or listening: 0:54 minutes
Vocabulary and Sentences: 5:24 hours
Reading with Audio: 0 hours
Reading with no Audio: 3:10 hours
Active Study: 13:57 hours
Personal Lessons: 0 hours
Conversation: 0 hours
Total: 33:40 hours
Daily Average: 1:07 hours
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