Milestone: 1500 Words in Speakly

I've 'learned' (a differing mixture of recognition and recall) another 100 words (or more accurately lemmas ) in Speakly. As you can see I've only been using the app for five days after a break that lasted more than a month. Something that I might have mentioned in other posts about Speakly is that I'm learning some of the words more easily than others because I have come across them before. That could be in other apps like Glossika, from importing the Speakly monologues into LingQ or perhaps when reading memes. I can't exactly say what proportion of the words are somewhat familiar to me and how many are completely new. It feels like the split is 20 / 80 (familiar/unfamiliar), but I'm just guessing. Because I import the Speakly monologues into LingQ I'm in effect working ahead of the main vocabulary acquisition exercises. For a while I completely stopped doing the main vocabulary exercises and just read and listened to the first 15 or so monologues o...