Acquiring Russian: June and July 2024 Report

I visited the Baltic again in July and had a couple of short interaction in Russian, but not as much as in the past.

We're more than half-way through the year and so far the amount of studying I've been doing is abysmally low, almost non-existent. I lay the blame partially a change in my personal circumstances which threw me out of my regular routines and I've struggled to build up new study habits.

I don't think it's a lack of motivation as I've had some really good experiences speaking in Russian recently (which I'll cover in my next post).

All I can do I start small and build from there.

July 2024 Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 3:10 hours
Active watching or listening: 0:00 minutes
Vocabulary and Sentences: 0:00 minutes
Reading with Audio: 0:27 hours
Reading with no Audio: 0:00 hours
Active Study: 1:20 hours
Tutor Lessons (Conversation Practice): 0:00 hours
Free Conversation Practice: 0:00 minutes
Games: 0:00
Total: 0:00 hours
Daily Average: 0:00 hours

June 2024 Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 4:05 hours
Active watching or listening: 00:11 minutes
Vocabulary and Sentences: 0:00 minutes
Reading with Audio: 0:58 hours
Reading with no Audio: 2:30 hours
Active Study: 3:19 hours
Tutor Lessons (Conversation Practice): 0:00 hours
Free Conversation Practice: 0:00 minutes
Games: 0:00
Total: 0:00 hours
Daily Average: 0:00 hours

May 2024 Statistics*

Passive watching and listening: 0:00 hours
Active watching or listening: 0:00 minutes
Vocabulary and Sentences: 0:00 minutes
Reading with Audio: 0:00 hours
Reading with no Audio: 0:00 hours
Active Study: 0:00 hours
Tutor Lessons (Conversation Practice): 0:00 hours
Free Conversation Practice: 0:00 minutes
Games: 0:00
Total: 0:00 hours
Daily Average: 0:00 hours

April 2024 Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 10:19 hours
Active watching or listening: 0:00 minutes
Vocabulary and Sentences: 0:00 minutes
Reading with Audio: 0:24 hours
Reading with no Audio: 0:00 hours
Active Study: 02:56 hours
Tutor Lessons (Conversation Practice): 0:00 hours
Free Conversation Practice: 0:00 minutes
Games: 0:00
Total: 13:39 hours
Daily Average: 0:26 hours

March 2024 Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 13:51 hours
Active watching or listening: 0:00 minutes
Vocabulary and Sentences: 0:00 minutes
Reading with Audio: 0:50 hours
Reading with no Audio: 0:00 hours
Active Study: 11:29 hours
Tutor Lessons (Conversation Practice): 0:00 hours
Free Conversation Practice: 0:00 minutes
Games: 0:30
Total: 26:12 hours
Daily Average: 0:54 hours

February 2024 Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 2:41 hours
Active watching or listening: 0:00 minutes
Vocabulary and Sentences: 0:00 minutes
Reading with Audio: 0:00 hours
Reading with no Audio: 0:00 hours
Active Study: 0:00 hours
Tutor Lessons (Conversation Practice): 0:00 hours
Free Conversation Practice: 0:00 minutes
Total: 2:41 hours
Daily Average: 0:05 hours

January 2024 Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 9:00 hours
Active watching or listening: 0:16 minutes
Vocabulary and Sentences: 0:11 minutes
Reading with Audio: 0:40 hours
Reading with no Audio: 0:00 hours
Active Study: 07:27 hours
Tutor Lessons (Conversation Practice): 00:30 hours
Free Conversation Practice: 0:00 minutes
Total: 18:05 hours
Daily Average: 0:35 hours

December 2023 Statistics

Passive watching and listening: 9:15 hours
Active watching or listening: 0:00 minutes
Vocabulary and Sentences: 0:09 minutes
Reading with Audio: 5:19 hours
Reading with no Audio: 0:45 hours
Active Study: 10:34 hours
Tutor Lessons (Conversation Practice): 06:00 hours
Free Conversation Practice: 0:30 minutes
Total: 31:18 hours
Daily Average: 1:02 hours


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